Categories Events

萬佛聖城公告 City of Ten Thousand Buddhas Announcement

萬佛聖城公告City of Ten Thousand Buddhas Announcement 8/5/2020 疫情期間,歡迎參加法總線上共修,網址:疫情結束前,萬佛聖城所有對外法會活動暫停,且謝絕參訪, 不便之處,祈請見諒! 如有意供養三寶,或設立(非法會)普通牌位,煩請與萬佛聖城功德部 聯絡,電郵 或於每早八時至下午六 時  ,和行政辦公室洽詢,電話:(707)462-0939。 請記得:少外出、多洗手、戴口罩,保持社交距離! During the pandemic, everyone is welcome to attend DRBA ceremonies and other practices…

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Categories Events

CTTB Livestream Schedule on July 4th

July 4th is the U.S. Independence Day, so we’ll recite “Disaster-Eradicating Auspicious Mantra” instead of Shurangama Mantra in the morning from 8:00-10:00 AM in CTTB. The schedule is as follows: 明天是美國國慶,早上 8:00-10:00…

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