萬佛聖城公告 City of Ten Thousand Buddhas Announcement

City of Ten Thousand Buddhas Announcement 

疫情結束前,萬佛聖城所有對外法會活動暫停,且謝絕參訪, 不便之處,祈請見諒!

如有意供養三寶,或設立(非法會)普通牌位,煩請與萬佛聖城功德部 聯絡,電郵:ddeptcttb@drba.org

或於每早八時至下午六 時  ,和行政辦公室洽詢,電話:(707)462-0939。


During the pandemic, everyone is welcome to attend DRBA ceremonies and other practices online:

Until the pandemic ends, the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB) will temporarily cancel all public ceremonies, sessions, and other events, and will be closed to visitors. We apologize for any inconvenience.

If you wish to make an offering to the Three Jewels or to set up an ordinary Rebirth or Long Life Plaque (not for a Dharma session), please contact the CTTB Donation Department at ddeptcttb@drba.org or call the CTTB Administration Office at 707.462.0939 between the hours of 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM.

Please remember to avoid unnecessary travel, wash your hands frequently, wear a facial covering, and practice social distancing. Amitabha Buddha!

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