10,000 Buddhas Repentance 萬佛懺法會

Please click here to find the schedule for the 10,000 Buddhas Repentance from 4/10-5/7 at CTTB.
You are welcome to join online by clicking the following link:

Same Zoom link as usual:
Topic: (new) CTTB Events

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 953 2233 6278
Passcode: 95482
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,95322336278#,,,,*95482# US (Houston)
+17207072699,,95322336278#,,,,*95482# US (Denver)

諸位佛友,萬佛城將於 4/10 至 5/7 舉行萬佛懺法會 (課表請點此處)。
連結照舊: https://drba-org.zoom.us/j/95322336278?pwd=NDR2MUxUTDFOb09VaGRXTXZCaTFadz09
會議代號: 953 2233 6278
密碼: 95482