2022 Forum on Ancient Wisdom in Modern Life

CTTB forum on “Ancient Wisdom in Modern Life” will begin this coming Sunday, 10/2, for six Sundays until November 6, 2022.   
You may find the details by clicking the following link: Event Poster in English.
Rev. Heng Sure will be the keynote speaker on October 2, 2022 and also on November 6, 2022.
Click here for the event schedule.

Title: Introduction to the forum “Ancient Wisdom in Modern Life”
Sunday Evening Lecture Series: Forum on “Ancient Wisdom in Modern Life”
10/2, Sunday 7:30 – 8:45 pm, California time through November 6, 2022.
(10/3, Monday, 10:30 – 11:45 am, Asia time)
SpeakerRev. Heng Sure

Event Zoom link https://zoom.us/j/92985199033?pwd=VWc4TnFxWDZsUnlsenJzR2hYOHREQT09
Meeting ID: 929 8519 9033  Passcode: 95482

Also live stream on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Ku-ovIbjRwQTitle

為期六週的『古智今用』論壇將於星期日,10/2,開始直到11/7。恒實法師將於10/2 和 11/6主講。詳情請點擊此連結

加州時間星期日晚上, 10/2, Sunday 7:30 – 8:45 pm, California time to 11/6/2022.
(亞洲時間星期一, 10/3, Monday, 10:30 – 11:45 am, Asia time)

論壇 ID: 929 8519 9033  密碼: 95482

Vietnamese Translation 越語翻譯  Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 879 7769 2844  Passcode: 922407

YouTube 直播: https://youtu.be/Ku-ovIbjRwQ