Concert for Compassion

Gwhyneth Chen, piano
鋼琴家 陳毓襄

Saturday, October 1 at 3:00 p.m.
Avatamsaka Vihara, 9601 Seven Locks Road, Bethesda, MD

The DC Area’s Mahayana Buddhist Monastery, Avatamsaka Vihara, located in Bethesda, Maryland, is proud to host a “Concert for Compassion,” featuring world-renowned pianist, Gwhyneth Chen, at 3:00 PM on October 1st, 2016, at the Vihara. This Taiwanese-American concert pianist won the biggest cash prize in the history of piano competitions, at the Ivo Pogorelich International Piano Competition in Los Angeles. Mr. Pogorelich says of her talent, “She is too good to be true.”Ms. Chen received her Bachelor and Master of Music degrees from the Juilliard School. She was the winner of the National Piano Competition, Laureate in the Tchaikovsky International Piano Competition, and Laureate in the Prokofieff International Piano Competition. She has appeared as the featured piano soloist before three presidents and was invited by the government of China (PRC) to perform a concert in the National Grand Theatre in Beijing, China, to celebrate the 2008 Olympics. Ms Chen received the very first “Distinguished Humanitarian Award,” presented by the Master Hsuan Hua Foundation of Taiwan, for her outstanding contribution to the pursuit of excellence in the arts and the cultivation of virtue.

Ms. Chen is pleased to present a concert in the worship hall of Avatamsaka Vihara, honoring the compassionate intentions of the founders of all religions. Her program will feature works by J.S. Bach, Frederich Chopin, and Franz Liszt.

We look forward to this truly extraordinary opportunity to bring beautiful music to the Nation’s Capitol. In the “Concert for Compassion” Ms. Chen aims through her music to spark kindness and compassion in the hearts of the audience. In this way, spirituality and the arts can contribute to a wiser, more awakened humanity, and create together a better world.

Gwhyneth Chen is a Steinway Artist. 

Admission is free.