CTTB Livestream Schedule on July 4th

July 4th is the U.S. Independence Day, so we’ll recite “Disaster-Eradicating Auspicious Mantra” instead of Shurangama Mantra in the morning from 8:00-10:00 AM in CTTB. The schedule is as follows:

明天是美國國慶,早上 8:00-10:00 我們在萬佛城將誦 『消災吉祥神咒』。明天的課表如下:
CTTB This Saturday Livestream Schedule  
萬佛城本週六法會 直播課表

7:00–7:40 AM
普賢行願品 Universal Worthy’s Conduct & Vows

8:00–10:00 AM
消災吉祥神咒 Disaster-Eradicating Auspicious Mantra

12:30–1:45 PM 
大悲懺 Great Compassion Repentenance

3:00–5:00 PM 
大悲咒 Great Compassion Mantra
To join the livestream, please click the following link:
Click here to see the  “Disaster-Eradicating Auspicious Mantra.”
附件為 『消災吉祥神咒』