Saturday Evening – Avatamsaka Sutra Lecture by Rev. Heng Sure


Date: Sat, 5/25/2024

Time: 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM


Group: Gold Coast Dharma Realm

Going: 1

Likes: 1


Every Saturday evening at 7:30 PM (PST) the Berkeley Monastery community gathers to listen to a lecture on the Flower Adornment Sutra. We investigate the sutra text line by line and endeavor to bring its ancient wisdom up to date for our modern lives in the 21st century. The Sutras point directly to the path of liberation from suffering. Our founder, Ven. Master Hsuan Hua began the work of lecturing on Mahayana sutras in the West in 1969; carrying on this legacy keeps the teachings of the Bodhisattva Path alive as an oasis of clarity and kindness in our contemporary world. Lectures are made available online through webcast.