Sunday Event Series

Just a reminder, DM Heng Je will speak this evening: 
加州時間星期日晚上, 9/25, Sunday 7:30 – 9:00 pm, California time
(亞洲時間星期一, 9/26, 10:30 am – 12:00 noon, Asia time)
Title: How to purify our body and mind in our daily life (part II)?
講題:如何在日常生活中清淨身心 (二)?
Speaker 主講:DM Heng Je 恒哲法師
Zoom link  連結:
Meeting ID: 929 8519 9033  Passcode 密碼: 95482
Vietnamese Translation 越語翻譯 Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 879 7769 2844  Passcode: 922407
Live stream on YouTube 直播: