Topic: Repentance and Reform Loosens Six Knots   講題:懺悔解六結

DM Chih will give her last lecture of the series this evening at 7:30PM CA time.
提醒佛友們,持法師 今晚7:30PM 加州時間,將作這一系列講法的最後一場開示。

加州時間星期日晚上, 1/23, Sunday 7:30 – 9:00 pm, California time
(亞洲時間星期一, 1/24, 11:30 am -1:00 pm, Asia time)

Topic: Repentance and Reform Loosens Six Knots   

Zoom link  連結:
Meeting ID: 929 8519 9033  Passcode 密碼: 95482

Vietnamese Translation 越語翻譯 Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 879 7769 2844  Passcode: 922407

Live stream on YouTube 直播:

Last Sunday’s video is also on YouTube:
上週的錄影也在 YouTube 上: