GBM Lunar New Year Events

🔹 金佛聖寺 (加拿大溫哥華)Gold Buddha Monastery (Vancouver, Canada)

🔸 新春法會 Lunar New Year Events⏰🇨🇦溫哥華時間Vancouver time (PST)

▪️週六 2/03 Sat1:00pm-3:00pm抄經法會Hand Copying Sutras

▪️ 週五 2/09 Fri8:00pm除夕點燈撞鐘祈福法會Lunar New Year Eve Lamp Lighting & Bell Ringing Ceremony

▪️ 週六 2/10 Sat大年初一 New Year Day8:30am慶祝彌勒菩薩聖誕Celebration of Maitreya Bodhisattva’s Birthday10:00am上大供Grand Meal Offering1:00pm~禮拜三千佛懺Bowing the Three Thousand Buddhas Repentance

▪️ 初二 2/11 Sun ~ 初八 2/17 Sat開始時間:早上8:30am,下午1:00pm禮拜三千佛懺Start time: 8:30am & 1:00pmBowing the Three Thousand Buddhas Repentance

❗️注意:請來訪者登記您的姓名,進寺之前麻煩用酒精消毒並戴上口罩。Note hand sanitization, sign-in & face masks are still required for those visiting the monastery.